Behaviour Policy
All Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are expected to be polite, considerate and respectful to others, to take turns, share, play fairly, be quiet when others are speaking, and to take care of the equipment. Fighting, kicking, shouting, teasing, bad language, hitting and pushing are not acceptable and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.
Minor incidents will be dealt with by a telling off and/or sitting out of a game or activity for a short period. The 4th Bolsover Scout Group has, though only rarely uses, a red and yellow card system to deal with particularly bad behaviour. If a Beaver, Cub or Scout causes significant physical or emotional harm to another Beaver, Cub or Scout through, for example, a violent act or bullying, then they will receive a card. Yellow cards would be presented for episodes of worse than ‘normal’ bad behaviour. Red cards would be presented for more serious episodes and for 2 yellows in an evening.
If a Beaver, Cub or Scout receives a red card they will be asked not to attend the following week’s meeting. If a Beaver, Cub or Scout receives 2 red cards in a term then they will be asked to leave the Pack/Troop.
Parents will be informed of all yellow and red card incidents. The support and cooperation of all parents in reinforcing these rules will ensure that our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can enjoy and benefit from all our activities.