With your fantastic support, you have just created the most amazing opportunity for the Young People of 4th Bolsover Scout Group. Read on for more details…….
Groundwork’s ‘Changing Places Changing Lives’ campaign in conjunction with Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ have now confirmed that 4th Bolsover Scout Group are the winners of the competition at the Tesco Clowne store in November to December 2017.
And what an opportunity they are financing!
Every young person in 4th Bolsover Scout Group – that’s all of the Beavers, all of the Cubs and all of the Scouts – are invited to a most amazing sleepover at The Deep in Hull.
This superb sleepover includes a guided tour, exclusive access to The Deep, workshops throughout the evening, ’sleeping with the sharks’ and breakfast, as well as transport to and from the event.
Even better for the parents and guardians, THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SUPERB SLEEPOVER!
Please see your section leader immediately for details.
And once again – thanks to all that helped this dream become real.